Posting and Commenting Guidelines

Read this document before posting or commenting.
(updated October 2022)

This group is for those who are
a. confessionally Reformed:
affirming a historical Reformed confession that is compatible with libertarian anarchism,
such as WCF (1788), BC (1958), LBC (1689) [or 2HC (1564), SD (1658), or others, while rejecting establishmentarian clauses and/or statements that require civil governance to use coercion against any non-aggressive immorality]
b. politically libertarian-anarchist:
affirming self-ownership and the non-aggression principle, and rejecting the legitimacy and necessity of the state

On general libertarianism:
More on reformed anarchism:

The purpose of this group is thoughtful discussion and sharing information about a Reformed view of libertarian anarchism and free market economics, and their relation to a Reformed worldview, philosophy, theology, and other topics.

To facilitate the purpose of the group:

1. Before you ask a question:
check the group search function to see how it may have been asked and answered already.

2. Keep it grown-up, friendly, and Christian.
No personal insults of any kind are permitted. Disagreement and counter-argument must be expressed Christianly and politely. Communicate only in ways that builds-up those you address. No profanity or vulgarity. No libel/slander.
See here for info on effective discussion:

3. Keep it relevant to our purpose.
When posting a link (article or audio/video) you must provide either your thoughtful opinion on the piece, or a statement/question about it relevant to Reformed anarchism. No 'bare' links. No memes, picture/photo posts, sticker/gif comments. No spamming, trolling, ads, or mere 'joke' posts. No 'hogging'; be selective and generally do not exceed one post per day.
See here for tips:

4. Keep it private.
No screenshots of group activity posted outside the group without the express permission of all parties involved.

5. We do not allow promotion of:
   a. views contrary to doctrines common to the Reformed confessions. (Also, no pictures of Jesus/God)
   b. views contrary to libertarian anarchism and/or free market economics
   c. theonomy, theocracy, Christian nationalism, establishmentarianism, or the use of coercion against non-aggressive immorality
   d. neonomianism, ‘New Perspective’, Federal Vision, or similar teachings rejected by confessional Reformed churches, or material from the heretic Doug Wilson/CREC/Canon Press
   e. patriarchalism
(the erroneous idea that a man's headship extends beyond a husband in relation to his wife, and/or that leadership is restricted to males beyond church office, and/or a woman's or wife's role is exclusively domestic)
   f. feminism
(the erroneous idea that society is based on male oppression of females, and/or all sex/gender differences are illusory).

6. If there is a problem:
do not use Facebook’s “report” function. Instead, contact admins/mods by tagging one or more of them in a comment.

7. As a member of this group:
you agree to follow these guidelines.